Ethan is a boy in a million who (in my eyes) can do no wrong both in and out of the ring.
He won 3RCC's at a young age and recently at City of Birmingham Champ show under Mrs Maureen McKay won his first CC and was shortlisted in the group under Mrs Meriel Hathaway
2011 Results
1st Open Dog
Judge - Mr Des Hodgkinson
Manchester Championship Show
2nd Open RCC
Unfortunate to meet 1 in such form. Lovely imposing dog of the type I like, good head and expression, clean angles all round, nice angulation behind allowing him to move freely around the ring. Pleased to give him a hard fought RCC
Judge - Mr Mike Blay
Boston Championship Show
2nd Open RCC
Great quality dog, lovely in profile, again, no exaggeration, superb head of correct shape, kindly dark eye, arched neck into correct shoulder, straight topline with a slight slope to croup, good tailset. I have always liked this boy.
Judge - Mrs Jenny Jennings